A humanitarian challenge with the ICM

The two patrons of honour for the IDEC SPORT boat, Professor Gérard Saillant (Founder of the ICM) and Jean Todt (President of the FIA), alongside Francis Joyon and Patrice Lafargue
While IDEC SPORT invests in sport, Patrice Lafargue also wishes to fight for major causes and that is why IDEC SPORT has displayed the colours of the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute (ICM) since 2007.
The ICM is an internationally renowned research unit bringing together in the same place, patients, doctors and research scientists with the aim of ensuring that one day it will be possible to cure diseases that affect the brain and spinal cord. Coming from all sorts of backgrounds and countries, leading scientists carry out the most advanced research in this area. This revolutionary institute was founded by Professor Gérard Saillant and attracted a lot of interest and support from leading figures in motor racing such as Jean Todt (president of the FIA), Max Mosley (ex-president of the FIA) and Michael Schumacher.
Patrice Lafargue and IDEC SPORT continue to help this movement advance and more than ever offer their support in this battle, which takes courage and a bold and determined approach.