Cars #18 and #28


TECPRO Barriers was founded in 2001 by Rafaël Galiana and today equips more than 350 circuits around the world, including Karting, F1, the Le Mans series and many others. The company was the first supplier of circuit equipment to be awarded the FIA Homologated label. TECPRO Barriers is now a well-known motorsport brand for all those responsible for circuit safety.

Pour plus d’informations :
Twitter : @TecproBarriers

Car #18

Eden Park

The world’s first premium fashion brand, inspired by rugby. Eden Park knows how to be authentic, contemporary, signed and elegant at the same time. It is ingenious, unpredictable, and defends French know-how and creation. This is what characterizes the French Flair. Eden Park is now present in 37 countries with nearly 537 points of sale and continues to expand.

More informations :
Twitter : @edenparkparis | Instagram : @edenparkparis | Facebook : @EdenPark

Car #28

Chevreuse Courtage

Expert in insurance consulting and brokerage for companies, the Chevreuse Courtage group, founded in 2000 by Evrard de Villeneuve, has chosen to specialize in three areas: construction insurance, company savings (retirement) and social protection (health, provident). Lara Le Péru, a private law specialist in real estate and construction law, joined the company in 2008 as Managing Director, in charge of the development of the construction and real estate risks branch. Since then, the two of them have been managing the company. On a daily basis, more than 20 experts (advisors, managers, lawyers, etc.) rely on their capacity for innovation and their specialization to support their clients in protecting their activities and their employees. An independent company on a human scale, Chevreuse Courtage is based in Paris, has more than 500 clients and has achieved a turnover of €4.8M in 2021.

More informations :
Twitter : @ChevreuseC | Linkedin : IN_chevreuse-courtage

Car #28


ENR GROUPE IDEC supports all IDEC GROUP subsidiaries by integrating the energy and carbon neutrality dimension into all their projects. ENR GROUPE IDEC offers innovative solutions for the design, production and operation of green energy (photovoltaic power plants, production and distribution of green hydrogen, geothermal energy, energy storage, etc.).

Voiture #28

Car #28


Since 2007, we have been actively involved in various philanthropic initiatives, such as our support for the Institut du Cerveau (ICM), the world’s largest research center dedicated to finding effective treatments for nervous system injuries. Located at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, the Brain Institute brings together patients, doctors and international researchers, all working together to find answers as quickly as possible to these terrible diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis.

More informations :
Twitter : @InstitutCerveau | Facebook : @institutducerveau | Linkedin : IN_institutducerveau | YouTube : YT_ICM

Car #28

10 Sport

Founded in 2008 as a daily newspaper, Le 10 Sport has quickly taken the digital turn to become a major player in French sports and media. With more than 10 million unique visitors, Le 10 Sport strives to bring to life the passion for sports through the major events but especially the players of each discipline. Soccer, rugby, tennis, NBA, cycling or Formula 1: more and more sports enthusiasts are coming to our platforms every day to live, relive and thrill. And with our team of specialists, it’s impossible to miss the latest sports news! In particular, soccer and mercato lovers will enjoy the “Exclusive 10”, exclusive information from our journalists specialized in transfers and other behind-the-scenes news…

More informations :
Twitter : @le10sport | Facebook : @le10sport | YouTube : YT_le10sport

Car #28


Club Innovation by GROUPE IDEC brings together innovative companies and solutions. With the help of its partners, the group is developing innovations such as new forms of mobility, green hydrogen, decarbonised energy storage, new-generation solar panels, green steel and much more. These innovations are already providing a concrete response to the need to decarbonise the activities of Club Innovation’s customers and property projects.

Car #28


The background to Motul products is deeply rooted in its history with an ongoing quest  to find an innovative lubricant that is efficient and performs well. This led the firm to adopt the principles of a top class management system.

More informations :
Twitter : @motul | Instagram : @motul | Facebook : @motul | YouTube : YT_Motul

Car #28


Hercule MultiServices is an electrical contracting company and has been an IDEC partner for 15 years.

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